VI. Óbudai ZeneZug Festival Featuring the Budapest Strings


The Budapest Strings, under the artistic guidance of concertmaster János Pilz and hosted by Milán Bolla, are proud to announce the 6th annual Óbudai ZeneZug Festival. This exciting event will take place from June 12 to 14, 2024, at the Óbudai Társaskör. The three-day weekend festival promises a variety of engaging concerts, folk dance events, and a garden goulash party, inviting music lovers to immerse themselves in a unique cultural experience.

Day 1: "Miből lesz a cserebogár" Concert and Intimate Wanderings

The festival will kick off with the traditional "Miből lesz a cserebogár" concert, showcasing young talents who have won national music competitions. These young soloists will perform accompanied by the Budapest Strings, offering a glimpse into the future of classical music.

In the evening, the festival will host intimate "wanderer" concerts. Artists from the Budapest Strings will perform in smaller chamber groups across four different locations within the Óbudai Társaskör. Attendees can explore the venue, listening to stories about passionate composers, muses, and the inspirations behind the music, creating a magical, romantic atmosphere.

Day 2: Celebrating Folk Music

The second day of the festival will focus on folk music, a vital source of inspiration for classical composers from the Baroque period to modern times. The Góbé Zenekar, one of the most creative folk bands, will join the Budapest Strings in a concert exploring the connections between Hungarian folk music and classical compositions by Erkel Ferenc, Weiner Leó, Kodály, and Bartók.

Following the concert, the audience will be invited to a Táncház, a traditional Hungarian folk dance house, where the Góbé Zenekar will play lively tunes, encouraging everyone to dance and experience the liberating power of folk music firsthand.

Day 3: Jazz Finale

The festival will conclude on Sunday with a focus on jazz, featuring the renowned jazz pianist and composer Kálmán Oláh and his quartet. The evening will begin at full speed with Jörg Widmann's "180 beats per minute" for string sextet, maintaining its momentum through pieces by Dvořák, Bach, and Oláh's own compositions. The festival will end on a high note, with all artists gathering to share a bowl of goulash with the audience in the enchanting courtyard of the Óbudai Társaskör.

For more details and to purchase tickets, please visit

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