Coldplay Tour Dates Boost Budapest Bookings


Image by Andrea Raffin /

More than 110,000 fans of Coldplay booked 200,000 guest nights in Budapest to see the British rock band play three shows at Puskás Arena in June, the Hungarian Tourism Agency said on Monday, according to a report by state news wire MTI.

Bookings during the week of the concerts, on June 16, 18, and 19, climbed 35% from the previous week, while the number of guest nights rose close to 30%, the agency said, citing information from the National Tourism Data Service Centre (NTAK).

Around 88% of the fans who booked rooms came from abroad: 9% were from the United Kingdom, 9% from Israel, 6% from the United States and 5% from Germany.

A video of the sites of Budapest and the band performing at Puskás Arena posted on Instagram was seen by over 3 million people and got over 170,000 likes.

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