Budapest Airport Opens Applications for Next Phase of Noise Protection Program


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The noise protection program supported by Budapest Airport is continuing with the inclusion of additional areas in Districts X, XVII, and XVIII of Budapest and new areas of Üllő.

In order to ensure that the program and the newly included areas are tailored to the needs of residents, Budapest Airport initiated a detailed consultation with the mayors of the districts and settlements concerned at the beginning of 2022, during which the parties agreed on the details of the program, and the company’s owners decided to supplement the amount of the support last year.

Thanks to the extension, the third phase of the scheme continued in November 2023 as originally planned, with an even greater scope. The number of applicants for the noise protection program has exceeded 1,000 property owners.

The noise protection program is being implemented in phases, over a period of three years, with the priority objective of reducing noise burdens for people living near the airport, by retrofitting or replacing doors and windows in the living and resting areas of properties, and by installing ventilators in bedrooms, free of charge.

In June, the For the Neighbors of Budapest Airport Foundation will send a letter to the owners of residential properties involved in the latest, fourth phase of the program, informing them about the details of the scheme and the application procedure. Interested parties can apply by mail or electronically, and they can find more details and answers to frequently asked questions at

The deadline for submitting applications is September 30, with construction work starting in the fall of 2024. The scheme is open to all property owners who own a residential property in the designated area and meet the eligibility criteria.

Services available under the program:
Retrofit window insulation:
An extra 6 mm glass layer, which can reduce external noise by up to 10 decibels, may be requested for the internal side of the opening sash of the windows in the living rooms and bedrooms of houses.
Window replacement:
This can be requested free of charge in bedrooms for windows over 10 years old, or with cost-sharing (70% support provided) in other rooms (e.g. living room, living room with an American kitchen).
Roller shutter casing insulation:
For windows where the roller shutter is located directly above the window in a casing, noise insulation of the roller shutter casing is also available free of charge in all living areas.
To ensure a peaceful night’s sleep, a noise-insulated wall unit is also available free of charge for bedrooms, which allows fresh air to enter the bedroom from outside even when the window is closed.

In addition to the noise protection program, which has been implemented with an expanded scope since 2022, the foundation, with the support of the airport operator, has started to insulate or replace windows in several school and kindergarten buildings around the airport, selecting the institutions in cooperation with the municipalities concerned. Over the years, Budapest Airport has supported the refurbishment of schools in District XVII with HUF 20 million, a kindergarten and public park in District XVIII with HUF 15 million, while in Vecsés, it contributed HUF 25 million to the replacement of school doors and windows and more than HUF 16 million to the insulation of doors and windows in a kindergarten in Üllő.

To further mitigate environmental impacts, BUD operates a noise monitoring system accessible to all, and has increased the deep sleep charge on airlines operating during such hours.

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