Outgoing European Council President Advises Incoming Orbán


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The outgoing European Council president provided some parting words of wisdom for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, at a press conference closing the first day of an EU summit.

The Prime Minister of Belgium, Alexander De Croo, who currently holds the presidency of the Council, provided some advice to his successor when asked by journalists. 

From July 1, the Hungarian government will take on the role as president of the Council of Ministers of the EU for half a year.

He wished Viktor Orbán and Hungary the best in continuing the work, emphasizing Ukraine's support and the transition to the new institutional cycle.

"The presidency does not mean that you are the boss of Europe."

At least once in life, it is interesting to be in a situation where we have to reach compromises, "therefore I can definitely recommend it to Mr. Orbán."

His sentence, delivered with a smile, was met with laughter in the press room.

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