Initially created as a casual formation of Hungarian musicians, Budapest Bár has since become a renowned group whose productions are highly popular. From the material of their recent album, Hoppá, the group will give a special theater-concert at The Palace of Arts (MÜPA), the revenues of which go entirely to the Hungarian Hospice Foundation. “We feel delighted to have the chance to back such a cause,” Dóra Behumi told the journalist at the press conference announcing the co-operation. “Every person has the right to live in dignity until the final moments.”

Although Budapest Bár and MÜPA have taken gladly the opportunity to support hospice activity in Hungary, the foundation usually has a hard time finding sponsors. “Being a non-governmental organization, we rely exclusively on donations,” said Katalin Muszbek, psychiatrist, the director of Hungarian Hospice Foundation. The budget the foundation has received from National Health Insurance Fund (OEP) in the past 6 years has not changed, but their costs such as wages or overheads have continuously increased. (In 2010, OEP provided about 50 % of their budget of inpatient unit and 80% of home-care budget.) According to Muszbek, organizations are more willing to sponsor the purchase of equipment or a certain event. Yet what most of the budget is spent on is human resource. “Even though we get assistance from volunteers, these patients require the care of a professional, the wages of whom we often have difficulty paying,” Muszbek said.

The Hungarian Hospice Foundation is specialized in the personalized care and pain control of cancer patients free of charge to help them preserve their dignity until the very last moments as well as to the psychological support of their families. It has 10-bed inpatient unit and provides home care to people living in the capital area.