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(further referred to as Terms and Conditions) to govern the rights and responsibilities of the Publisher and Clients of Business Publishing Services Kft. (HQ: H-1075 Budapest, Madách Imre út 13-14, company reg. no.: 01-10-047178, 01-09-732231, tax no.: 13379113-2-42) as the Publisher for their electronic and printed publications, events organized by the company, as well as products sold by the company and agreements creating legal relations in connection with those activities.
I. Interpretative Provisions
1. under current Terms and Conditions
a. The Publisher: Business Publishing Services Kft., which owns an advertising space suitable for the publication of ads and makes people familiar with those ads through it as well as issuing Publications;
b. The Subscriber: the legal person, or person without legal personality or the natural person who has the interest in publishing an ad or the one who orders the publication of the ad from the Publisher or its partner in its own interest (including the advertising service provider and agency that acts on the commission of an Advertiser), or the one whose interest it is to have the Publication issued, or the one who commissions Business Publishing Services Kft. with organizing an event.
c. Service: Under current terms and conditions it includes the sale of ad space by the Publisher, publication and sale of electronic or printed publications, sale of the Publisher’s products as well as the organization of events.
d. Advertisement: any published space or other special publication method (further on referred to as advertising space) (pulling in, stick in, filming, etc., together called “inserts”) published as open information against remuneration or service that promotes the sale or purchase against remuneration of the product, service, real estate, right and liability in question or illustration (together referred to as product) or the reach of another effect that the The Advertiser had in mind and serves the goal of making the Advertiser’s name or activity more popular or its product or product indicator better known.
e. Event: Event organized by Business Publishing Services Kft. that takes place to promote its products and services.
f. Publication: Printed or electronic press product issued by Business Publishing Services Kft. irrespective of its issue period. Any collective work issued by Business Publishing Services Kft. is a publication, no matter if it is published annually or more frequently.
g. Business secret: All facts, pieces of information, solutions or data connected to business activity, of which publication, use or access granted to non-authorized persons would violate the legal financial, business or market interests of the company, not including the state of Hungary, and where the company has taken the proper steps in order to keep the business secret.
II. The scope of application of current Terms & Conditions
1. Current Terms and Conditions are valid for all agreements concluded between the Publisher and the Subscriber, unless parties have agreed differently.
2. Ads will be published based on the individual contracts between the The Publisher and the Subscriber on the ad spaces of Publisher’s publications and other media.
3. Current Terms and Conditions are to be applied for all forms of contractual cooperation, when the further target beyond advertising is to create or sell an electronic or printed publication, or to have it licensed by the Publisher or for any other event management activity.
III. Establishment of contract, order content
1. The Publisher will accept the order in writing (by letter, fax, e-mail) – by filling in the subscription form that is an attachment to current Terms and Conditions and by the Subscriber’s official signature. If the subscription form was sent to the Publisher by fax or e-mail, the Subscriber must send the officially signed subscription form to the Publisher by mail within 15 (fifteen) days. If the Subscriber fails to complete its liability to return the subscription form by mail, the Publisher is entitled to reject the requested service or may suspend the service that has been provided.
2. Contracts can be established without filling in the subscription form that is an attachment to current Terms and Conditions, if parties sign a separate agreement in writing about the legal relationship they have entered.
3. The subscription form must contain the following in harmony with the Subscriber’s valid certificate of incorporation:
- name of company,
- headquarters or permanent residence in Hungary, as well as publishing its
- tax number
- bank account number,
- invoicing address,
- name of company manager
- contact person’s name and contact details
- and the ad topic, the product or service to be advertised, the chosen publication, the number of published copies, the previously agreed date and size of publication, or other parameters of the ordered event in case of event management.
4. If the Subscriber fails to provide such data, the Publisher has the right to reject the order or to terminate the special agreement that was signed separately. The Subscriber must choose a payment method on the subscription form.
5. The party requesting the service must declare under penalty of perjury that all data items included on the subscription form are completely correct. Any party providing data that is not completely true carries unlimited responsibility for any damage that may arise from this.
6. Individual contracts are established, when the Publisher, having received all necessary data, confirms the order in writing (by letter, fax or e-mail) within 5 (five) working days with identical content to the order. A call to make up for potential missing documents does not qualify as confirmation.
7. The Subscriber must provide ad material ready for press with the subscription, or if this is not possible by the deadline set in the confirmation, by the submission deadline at the latest, unless the material is ordered from an agency.
8. If the Subscriber wants to modify the ad material or its publication method after submitting the ad material, the Subscriber must provide new, ready to print material with the announcement. The announcement of change request and the submission of new material must take place by the original deadline.
9. The Subscriber acknowledges that the prices of the price list refer to the prices of ad space only. Thus, if the Subscriber requests the Publisher to produce the ad, transform it or correct it, then the Publisher will carry this out only for special remuneration.
10. The Subscriber declares that the data provided by it and the content of the submitted material are true and do not violate the rights of third natural and legal persons (including copyright, rights connected to products under industrial property protection, trademark rights or personal rights) as well as the general and special ad ban or restriction of Hungarian law 2008/48 on business ad activities. The Advertiser acknowledges that the Advertiser bears exclusive responsibility for the truthfulness of any information in the ad or the violation of third parties’ above mentioned rights through the ad.
11. The Publisher will return the manuscript or ready to print material received from the Subscriber only on the explicit wish of the Subscriber submitted in writing. The Publisher preserves such materials only up to 3 (three) months after the publication of ads. After this, if there is no valid written agreement governing this issue, the materials will be destroyed.
12. Based on the law on business ad activities and the Hungarian Code of Advertising Ethics, PR stories must be published in such a way that their advertising character becomes obvious. The Publisher may mark PR stories with an “advertisement” label in order to make their ad character clear. PR stories may not hide their real nature. Information contained in PR stories must be in proper language, balanced, real and complete enough to allow the consumer to create his/her own opinion about the advertised item. Information may not be misleading by misrepresenting, overemphasizing or ignoring some facts.
13. In case of sponsorship, the name of the sponsor and the requested label must be published in accordance with the paper’s sponsorship guidelines, so that the fact of sponsorship could be realized by each reader.
IV. Publisher’s service fees
1. The Subscriber is bound to use the tariff chart on the Publisher’s website with the conditions indicated there in terms of the Publisher’s service fees, unless having concluded a separate agreement.
2. The Publisher uses separate ad price lists for all publications (media offers, media charts), which contain ad prices, technical data, as well as ad space sizes and prices and the general options for reductions.
3. The Subscriber may order a larger quantity of ads based on the media offer or the tariff chart for a given year or a longer period after the Publisher’s consent at a reduced price. Ordering a quantity that makes reductions possible can require that the Advertiser must provide the Publisher with financial security. In such a case even the price of the first ad and other services can be paid at a reduced price. If the The Subscriber partially cancels the ordered quantity for a given year, the reduction will be lost and the The Subscriber must make up for the missing amounts even after previously paid ads that had been sold at a reduced price.
4. The same calculation must be made, if the Publisher realizes at the yearend summary that the Subscriber did not publish as many ads as (or didn’t take as many other services) as they had undertaken to get a reduced price.
5. The Publisher maintains the right to change its prices during the year including the reduced rates after annual agreements. If ad prices change, the Publisher must send the new prices to the Subscriber in writing a minimum of 8 (eight) days before they become effective, as long as this affects the Subscriber and to publish the new prices in the Publisher’s offices, website and in relevant publications.
6. For separate agreements concluded before the publication of changes, the Publisher will apply the old prices, without respect to ads’ publication date.
7. The Publisher will offer the Subscriber the opportunity to reserve ad spaces, order publications or commission the organization of events for the next business year respecting all required formalities up to a date, before which the prices of the old tariff chart will be applied. If the Subscriber does not fully use the reserved services during the business year and the difference is more than 10 (ten) percent of the previously agreed services, then the Subscriber loses the reduced rate and the Publisher may apply the tariff chart prices of the given year.
8. If the ordered ad or publication fails to be published due to missed submission deadline or late delivery of products that should have been included as an insert, the Subscriber will be obliged to pay the full price of the separate agreement.
V. Cancellation
1. The Subscriber has the right to cancel ordered services up to the deadline indicated in the Publisher’s confirmation (cancellation deadline) without further legal consequences or they can submit an order to have the ad published at a later time.
2. There is no possibility to modify the time of ad publication after the cancellation deadline. The Publisher will publish the ad at the original time of order or, if the Subscriber explicitly requests this in writing, the publication will be cancelled, but the Subscriber still has to pay 50 (fifty) percent of the advertising sum. If the ad is cancelled after the material submission deadline, the Subscriber has to pay the full advertising amount, even if they want no advertising material to be published.
The deadline of material submission will be the latest possible deadline, therefore any costs arising from late material submission will be covered by the Subscriber. The Publisher will also charge the full amount of the ordered ads, if no material is submitted by deadline, thus the publication of the ordered ad becomes impossible.
VI. Payment conditions
1. The Publisher will send the invoice to the Subscriber, unless agreed differently in another agreement, with a payment deadline of 8 (eight) days following the publication or the performance of the service. The Publisher will add a key sample to the invoice. In case of inserts only, orders for a full number of copies will be escorted by a key sample containing an insert.
2. In case of late payment, the Subscriber must pay default interest according to the Hungarian Civil Code (PTK)’s 301./A §. If the Subscriber does not perform its payment liability even after being reminded, the Publisher has the right not only to charge default interest, but to terminate the valid contract by immediate effect or to suspend the performance of due orders and to refuse the acceptance of new orders until the debt is settled and payment in advance can be set as a precondition.
3. In the case of a new Subscriber (i.e. a Subscriber that did not publish ads in any publication of the Publisher in the 12 (twelve) months prior to order day or did not require the Publisher’s services in the 12 (twelve) months prior to order day) and Subscribers who (either directly or indirectly through an advertising service provider or advertising agency) had late payment in the 12 months prior to order day, the Publisher has the right to set the condition of pre-payment, which the the Subscriber must perform by the payment deadline of the invoice.
4. In case of no payment, the Publisher is not obliged to take the order and already existing special contracts can be terminated with immediate effect. The Publisher is not obliged to make efforts to have the ad published, until the price of the ad is paid.
VII. Rules of responsibility
1. The Subscriber is responsible for all mistakes or damages that originate from the bad quality or faults of original materials (illustrations, graphics, logos) provided by it. Color or tone differences may occur during printing house works even when the originals are appropriate, but such cases do not qualify as lack of conformity. In case of electronic ads (CD, e-mail, FTP) the printed version (cromalin or proof) has to be added. If there is no printed version, the Publisher or the Agency will not taking liability for potential esthetical, textual or color mistakes and in such cases the Subscriber may not request a fee reduction from the Publisher due to lack of conformity.
2. The Publisher is only responsible for mistakes that arise from changes after the submission of order if the Subscriber was not communicated with in writing informing them that the requested change was unviable. The Publisher and the Agency exclude their responsibility in connection with submitted and potentially performed modifications after submission deadline. All extra costs due to the change are always to be paid by the Subscriber. If the Subscriber has a contract for the continuous publication of several ads and publications and does not submit new material until the submission deadline of the new issue, the Publisher will automatically repeat the ad from the most recent issue.
3. In case of the violation of the regulations on Advertisers and quality certificate data procurement, the publication of ad character and the qualification from an environmental protection perspective and the general and special ad prohibitions of the state where the ad is published, the Publisher and the Agency will be universally responsible based on the Hungarian law 2008/48 on business ad activities.
4. The Subscriber will hereby give its irrevocable consent to the payment of fines, compensations and costs that may arise through the service and that may be charged to the Publisher or ad the Publisher that could be levied on them after the Subscriber violates current agreement, if relevant authorities or third parties would seek to make the Agency or the Publisher pay for them.
5. Based on this liability and debt payment rules, the Subscriber is obliged to pay the authorities or the justified party directly instead of the Publisher and also pay the fine, compensation and costs mentioned above, when it is due or, if the Agency or the The Publisher has already paid these, the Subscriber must reimburse the Publisher.
6. The Subscriber is exclusively responsible for the truth of the data and quality certificate provided by them as well as for the violation of the rules on the prohibition of comparing, hidden and consciously not perceivable ads.
7. Ads will be published with the recognizable character of ads and separated from their environment.
8. If the material on film or on data medium that the Subscriber provides the Publisher with contains mistakes that were not recognizable or could have been recognizable without disproportionate efforts at submission, therefore the ad is published with these mistakes, or if the Subscriber has approved the print sample, the Publisher will not take liability for lack of conformity. The Publisher will also not take liability for serial ads’ mistakes, if the Subscriber did not submit any complaints up to 5 (five) days after the original publication or a maximum of the day before the print deadline of the next publication.
9. In case of all other serious performance mistakes that are due to the Publisher or the printing house, the Subscriber may request the repeated and correct publication of the ad from the Publisher, while in the case of smaller scale mistakes a reduction in the price in proportion with the mistake can be requested.
10. The Subscriber acknowledges and explicitly accepts that compensation against the Publisher can only be requested up to the amount of the advertising price or the price of the service ordered. The Publisher’s compensation liability is restricted to the actual direct damage and the Publisher explicitly excludes taking responsibility for indirect, consequential or reliance interest damages including non-incurred profit, costs or non-material damages. The Subscriber acknowledges that the advertising and other service prices of the media offer were set with respect to current liability restrictions and other points of the Terms and Conditions.
11. The Subscriber must report all complaints to the Publisher in writing within 15 (fifteen) calendar days following delivery of service. This deadline is the limitation period.
VIII. Copyright
1. Based on current Terms and Conditions and the contracts concluded in connection with them, the Publisher has a right to use all creative materials received from the Subscriber free of charge; that is also extended to all methods of use that are necessary to perform the contracts.
2. When applying the Publisher’s Terms and Conditions multiplication, spreading, public display or reaching the public by broadcasting or other ways or the paraphrase of the work in case of an order all apply as methods of use.
3. The Subscriber owning the copyright will give its consent to the use of the work by signing these Terms and Conditions. In order to let the contract be performed, the Subscriber is obliged to carry out inevitable or obviously necessary changes that do not affect the spirit of the work. If the Subscriber does not or cannot perform its duty, the Publisher has the right to carry out the changes without their consent. Besides that, the Publisher is obliged to keep the work’s integrity and use its without distortion.
4. The Publisher is allowed to use the work under copyright only to the extent that is absolutely necessary to perform the contract and may not give permission to a third person to use it.
IX. Law to apply, legal jurisdiction
1. In case of current Terms and Conditions and the contracts connected to them, the legal system of Hungary and effective Hungarian regulations apply.
2. In case of debated issues, if special agreements or current Terms and Conditions do not contain any regulation on them, parties must start negotiations and settle debated issues peacefully according to effective law and with consideration of the rules of the Hungarian Commercial Ethics Code. If parties are not able to settle the debate by negotiations, parties will submit themselves to the decision of a court resident in Budapest and with proper jurisdiction.
X. Obligation of discretion and confidentiality
1. Regarding current Terms and Conditions all pieces of information, data or documents that parties communicate with each other are qualified as business secrets, but especially a) data in connection with the other party’s operation, management or activity;
b) data and information in connection with the other party’s clients, especially clients’ business or property situation, person, employees, business partners, direct or indirect owners, subsidiaries and their clients;
c) business and technology solutions used by the other party, software, know how, and other copyright properties owned by them, not depending on whether they are protected by patent copyright or other legal protection or if they suitable for such legal protection;
d) as well as any information, data or document, publication of which could hurt the business interests of the other party and where the other party has initiated relevant measures to keep those secrets.
2. Parties are obliged to keep business secrets that they have learned during the process and performance of the agreement; they may use the business secrets about the other party only in the interest of performing the contract and they must not publish it without the consent of the other party.
3. Parties declare that the content of any agreement of contract between them as well as communication (negotiation, correspondence, phone calls, etc.) between them will be treated as confidential information and it will not be released to a third party and will not be misused in any other way.
4. The parties in contract will be liable for any damage caused by the violation of their obligation of discretion and confidentiality without time constraints, both in civil and penal code perspectives.
XI. Special regulations for ad contracts
1. Under this section the Subscriber is equal to the Advertiser.
2. Advertising activities are governed by Hungarian law 2008/48 on business advertising.
3. If the ad is ordered by an agency on the advertising side, they must provide information on the name, address and tax number of the client, the ad topic, the product or service to be advertised, the selected publication, the number of ad issues, any previously negotiated data and size.
4. If the product or service to be advertised requires report or permission, the Advertiser must also attach the certificate of that to the order. In case of a health product, a valid sales permit from the relevant state where the ad is published and a copy of the valid patient information sheet are to be attached to the agreement.
5. When inserts are ordered, the Advertiser will provide the Publisher with a minimum of 10 (ten) pieces for fliers, or a minimum of 15 (fifteen) pieces for catalogues and product samples. The Advertiser will also take liability that the products to be published are completely identical with the provided samples. The Advertiser acknowledges that any damage arising from a difference of products delivered for inserts and the previously provided sample will be their full responsibility.
6. If the Advertiser orders its ads from an agency directly, the Advertiser is obliged to attach the product’s quality analysis or compliance certificate documents to the order on the first order of the product.
7. If the product to be advertised does not require a quality analysis or compliance certificate, then the Advertiser must attach their official statement to this effect to the order on the first order of the product.
8. Inserts will be confirmed after the submission of 10 (ten) or 15 (fifteen) samples to the Publisher.
9. Ads will be published only after an agreement has been concluded. Special ad contracts become effective on the day of confirmation with the conditions set in the confirmation.
10. The Advertiser acknowledges that the printed number of copies for the Publisher’s publications can be changed depending on seasonality and expected demand even if the order had been previously confirmed. The Advertiser acknowledges that the number of offered and eventually printed copies may differ as much as +/- 10%. If the number of printed copies is a maximum of 10% less than the number confirmed, the Advertiser has no right to compensation or reimbursement, while if the number of printed copies is a maximum of 10% more than the number confirmed, the Advertiser does not have to pay an additional fee.
11. The Advertiser acknowledges that it has no right to compensation or fee reimbursement, if a part of the samples ordered and delivered for inserting becomes superfluous or they are not inserted into some copies due to the change of printed copies. If the number of printed copies increases compared to the confirmation’s number of copies and the Advertiser does not have enough samples for the increased number of copies, the Advertiser has the right to decide about the territorial distribution, in which papers the samples should be inserted. If the number of printed copies declines compared to the confirmation’s number of copies and the Advertiser has already delivered the samples, the Advertiser may decide, whether they want the samples to be inserted in the Publisher’s other publications at the price of the confirmation, or they want the superfluous quantity to be returned to them. In the latter case, the Publisher will have the samples returned to the Advertiser.
12. The Advertiser acknowledges that no ad may be published that
a) violates legal regulations or the norms set in the Hungarian Code of Advertising Ethics;
b) is not compatible with the publication’s image or spirituality;
c) violates the Publisher’s ad market and/or business interests directly or indirectly (e.g. publications with ads sold to third parties that are based on the Publisher’s readership circle);
d) not performable due to technical or length reasons;
e) Furthermore, the Publisher has the right to reject the publication of inserts despite confirmation, if the samples sent to the Publisher are not identical with the quantity fixed on the order sheet in weight, size or other factors.
Ad orders that miss the previous delivery of samples may not be approved by the Publisher and even previously approved ad contracts can be terminated in such a case. In case such contracts violate legal regulations, they can be terminated immediately even if, they had been previously confirmed.
13. The Publisher has no compensation liability, if such performances are rejected.
14. In case the Advertiser challenges the Publisher’s opinion, whether the submitted creative material violates legal regulations regarding the Hungarian Code of Advertising Ethics, the Hungarian law 2001/96 on business advertising, storefront texts and the Hungarian publication of some public interest statements or other legal regulations, and the Advertiser insists on the publication of the ad, an Agency may request the opinion of the Self-regulating Advertising Body or, if the Advertiser takes over Publisher’s responsibility from potential violation of legal regulations in writing, the Publisher may give its consent to the publication of the ad, if a warrant is guaranteed. The sum of the warrant is the Publisher’s one-sided scope of decision with due consideration of a potential fine or compensation. If the debated part of the ad is the name of the company or a product name (including trademark and geographical origin label), the Publisher may demand the presentation of the relevant documents (e-g. trademark certificate) at any time.
15. If the agreement is terminated immediately and the cause of the immediate termination is revealed only after concluding the special ad agreement, then the Subscriber is obliged to pay the Publisher a penalty equal to the price of the full ad.
16. The Subscriber acknowledges that (including the materials to be inserted) the logo, letter type, or production type of the papers represented by an agency may not be used in the ads and the ad may not invoke the idea in readers that it has been prepared by the magazine’s editorial team. In such a context, sponsorship makes an exception to the rule.
17. The Advertiser must give a text to the Publisher that was prepared according to the Hungarian spelling rules of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as well as the laws on business advertising and storefront texts and the Hungarian publication of public interest statements. The Publisher may correct ad texts’ spelling even without the consent of the Advertiser. If the Publisher believes that the ad text needs improvement due to an interpretation problem or another reason, this must be done with the Advertiser’s agreement.
18. The Publisher is obliged to send a sample proof to the Subscriber only after a written request for that. If the Subscriber returns the sample proof by the deadline, the Publisher will consider the requested changes. If no request for change is submitted by deadline or the Subscriber does not ask for a sample proof, the Publisher will take the ad as approved.
19. If an ad submitted by deadline is not published due to reasons that are not the Subscriber’s responsibility, the Subscriber has the right to have the ad published in another publication of the Publisher after an agreement with the Publisher or, if they prefer, the contract can also be terminated in writing.
20. The Publisher will accept special requests to put an ad in a publication based on the number of demands and the publication’s structure. Such demands must be negotiated by the Advertiser and the Publisher before signing the contract and eventually must be confirmed by the Publisher to the Advertiser. Special treatment will be accepted by the Publisher for an extra price. If despite agreement the ad is not published at a special spot, no compensation request can be filed against the Publisher; however, the extra price for the special spot determined in the agreement may not be demanded. The extra price for special spots is included in the media offer.
21. The Advertiser acknowledges that if no special treatment is requested, then the ad placement is determined by Publisher. The Advertiser further acknowledges that no demand can be made as to the visual or textual environment of the ad. The Publisher, however, declares that no ad of an obviously rival advertiser will be placed on the same page (though not the same spread) as The Advertiser, unless this is requested by the Advertiser, or if this practice is followed by the ad management traditions of the product and the Advertiser was informed about this by the Publisher before the order of the ad or if the page functions as a thematic ad page.
22. The Advertiser acknowledges that in case of an ad with random placement the inserts may be placed differently even copy by copy or next to rival advertisers and no price reduction request can be filed for this against the Publisher.
23. The Advertiser does not have the right to pass on its cancelled ad space to another Advertiser.
XII. Special rules for publishing and publications
1. The previous regulations regarding the advertising agreement and defined under the previous point no. XI must be used for Business Publishing Services Kft.’s publishing activity, since the publications mostly contain ads.
2. According to the interpretative provisions, a publication means a collective work published by Business Publishing Services Kft., either printed or electronically, and independently from its issue period.
3. Under this point a distinction must be made between the Publisher’s own products and special publications ordered by the Subscriber.
4. If the Publisher produces a publication based on the Subscriber’s special demands, special fees will apply for each service requested according to the tariff chart (editing, production, printing house, etc.). If the Subscriber commissions the Publisher to do all work processes of the publication’s production (full scale publication), this must be organized and coordinated by the Publisher. The Publisher must negotiate with the Subscriber when the publication draft is ready, or at any time during the work process, if there are questions concerning the Subscriber’s demands, or if the realization of a request by Tthe Subscriber is blocked due to a reason outside the Publisher’s scope. The Subscriber has 15 (fifteen) days from posing the question of a problem to give the necessary answer, or the Publisher has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect, if the contract cannot be performed due to unclear issues.
5. The Publisher will give its consent to the publication of products with a content in full harmony with the relevant legal regulations and spelling rules.
6. By accepting current Terms and Conditions, the Subscriber will give its consent that its special publication that was produced by the Publisher may be issued for other subscribers even with a similar content. This does not affect the business secrets that the Publisher learns during the process of agreement or content under copyright protection.
7. If the Subscriber wants to conclude an agreement with the Publisher for the publication’s sale, then this must be a separate agreement according to the rules of point no. XIII.
XIII. Special rules for products sale
1. According to current Terms and Conditions, product sale means the sale of online and printed publications by the Publisher and Business Publishing Services Kft.’s other products.
2. The Publisher only sells its own publications and the publications issued by them upon special order.
3. The Publisher and the Subscriber will determine the delivery conditions together. Unless agreed differently, the publications for sale are to be delivered by the Subscriber. The Publisher organizes delivery only for an extra charge.
4. The place of takeover and performance is the Publisher’s site. Takeover will be certified by signing a statement of delivery.
5. The Publisher is obliged to wrap the publications safely in a way to protect them from potential damage during delivery and storage.
6. The Subscriber must check the quantity and quality of the ordered product within the shortest time possible after takeover. Any complaints must be communicated with the Publisher without delay and the available evidence must be provided. The Subscriber has 30 days after takeover to announce any complaints.
7. If the Subscriber does not take the ordered product without giving a proper reason, the Publisher has the right to charge 1% storage fee per day.
XIV. Special rules for event management
1. The goal of the Publisher’s event management activity is to present the publishing company, to make it more popular among potential Subscribers, to make the Publisher’s products more popular among the target audience, keeping contact with permanent clients and the organization of professional conferences.
2. Among these activities , the Publisher will manage the execution of all organizational duties, especially including:
- venue or hall reservation
- providing staff
- technical equipment management (amplification, projector, laptop etc.)
- contracts with sponsors
- production of ad materials, flyers and gifts, placement of ads for the event’s period
- decoration
- ordering food and beverages
- program organizing
- other activities
3. Depending on event character , the Publisher may charge a participation fee for participating at the event, which may be paid in cash on the spot or by bank transfer after confirmation of participation. The Publisher will inform guests about the conditions of participation, when the invitation is sent out for events.
4. The Publisher may also sell its products during events organized by the company..
5. The Publisher maintains the right to grant extra reductions compared to the prices of the tariff chart, if special agreements are signed for some events. The reduction size will be communicated by the Publisher in the information sheet of the event.
XV. Other provisions
1. Parties acknowledge that they are aware of the necessity of the enhanced contact keeping efforts and cooperation liability that is necessary to make sure the Terms and Conditions are performed completely. Respecting this, parties take liability to perform their enhanced cooperation duty, according to which they oblige themselves to make all communications, legal statements or legal actions that are necessary according to current Terms and Conditions or to reach the goal of this agreement without delay, if they coincide with the goal or content of the current agreement. Parties violating the cooperation liability will bear full and unlimited responsibility for any damage arising from their action.
2. All previous agreements of the parties in this subject or offers and proposals made by any of the parties will lose effect by signing the agreement that is the basis of the current Terms and Conditions. None of the parties can make a valid reference to these in the future.
3. During the application of the Terms and Conditions, the representatives of the parties declare that they have all necessary legal representation rights and authorization to conclude the agreement making the basis of the Terms and Conditions and the current agreement empowers and obliges the parties they represent.
4. During the application of the Terms and Conditions, the representatives of the parties declare that they have proven their registered status by presenting a valid certificate of incorporation and the representatives have identified themselves by identity card and passport, thus the presentation of such documents has mutually taken place. Parties further declare that they are authorized to make any legal statements or perform any legal action that is necessary under the current agreement and no further authorization is required by legal regulations, owners or bodies for them to make any legal statement or perform any legal action under the current agreement.
5. During the application of the Terms and Conditions, the parties declare that they are aware of all legal consequences, rights and liabilities under the agreement and by signing the current agreement they will act in order to realize the goal of the agreement.
6. The Parties express their mutual intent toward compulsory written communication, therefore any interpretation or extension of an agreement on the basis of the current Terms and Conditions will only be valid if the Parties have jointly signed it and included it in a private document representing conclusive evidence or a public document. No party can make reference to a document that does not respect these conditions, or to verbal statements or implications as a valid and effective legal declaration.
7. The Parties agree that any communication under the current Terms and Conditions, unless agreed differently, must be sent to the other party to their address in the heading of the agreement concluded under the current Terms and Conditions. In case the data of any of the parties change, they must inform the other party in writing in a registered way. In case such information fails to be sent, the communication sent to the original address must be held valid and effective.
8. Parties agree that communication sent by fax is equal to communication in writing. However, in case of doubt it is the party that initiates this communication that has to prove that a representative of the other party who is entitled to act as company representation has received the communication. If the proof is not successful, the communicating party will take the responsibility.
9. If the regulations of the current Terms and Conditions or the regulations of the agreement that was based on the current Terms and Conditions become invalid and/or unadoptable, parties must take all reasonable measures to replace the invalid or unadoptable regulation by a valid and adaptable regulation that resembles the invalid or unadoptable regulation best in its commercial, business, financial or legal effect. All this has to be carried out to maintain the validity and adaptability of the current agreement. If the invalid and/or unadoptable regulation cannot be replaced, or parties cannot agree on the content of the replacement regulation, the invalid and unadoptable part must be separated from the agreement and the remaining part must be considered to be obliging, as if the invalid and/or unadoptable regulations would not have been part of the agreement, supposing that the rights of parties are not seriously violated due to the invalidity and/or inadaptability of the regulations. If the goal of the current agreement becomes doubtful due to invalidity and/or inadaptability, then invalidity and inadaptability will affect the whole agreement.
XVI. Publication and effect of Terms and Conditions
The current Terms and Conditions will be effective from January 2, 2017 to withdrawal or to the effectiveness of amendments. The Publisher will send official information about potential amendments to the Subscriber 15 (fifteen) days before they become effective. The Publisher will make sure that the Subscriber becomes familiar with the current Terms and Conditions by attaching them to already concluded framework contracts and sending it with the confirmation of the first order for Subscribers who do not have a framework contract with the Publisher. The effective and full text of the Terms and Conditions will be available at Publisher’s advertising offices as well as at Publisher’s HQ and office.
The collection and processing of personal data that are necessary for website use and are suitable for identification respects the Hungarian data protection regulations (Hungarian law 2011/112).
XVII. Terms of use
The text, graphics, images, audio, video, and other content on this website are protected by copyright. The publisher reserves all rights in relation to the content, including the use of the content for text and data mining purposes, in accordance with the provisions of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright, Article 35/A (1) and Article 4 of the European Directive on Digital Services Markets (Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council).
Signed in Budapest on October 27, 2023.
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