Hungary Selects Astronaut, Backup for ISS Mission


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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó on Monday announced the selection of a Hungarian astronaut and a backup for participation in a research mission on the International Space Station, according to a report by state news wire MTI.

Tibor Kapu, a 32-year-old mechanical engineer with a background in battery development in the automotive industry, has been picked to become the next Hungarian astronaut, Szijjártó said. His backup for the mission is the 35-year-old electrical engineer Gyula Cserenyi, he added.

The two men were among four candidates in the Hungarian to Orbit (Hunor) program.

Hungary will send an astronaut to the International Space Station, with the cooperation of US-based Axiom Space, for a 30-day research mission at the end of 2024 or early in 2025.

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