Photo by Pavel L Photo and Video/
Crèches in provincial settlements have an average monthly fee of HUF 60,000, for full-day services five days a week, including three or four meals, notes the report.
By contrast, the rate for similar services in Budapest and nearby settlements is often almost HUF 100,000, despite local governments in Pest County and Budapest being eligible to apply for state grants from a HUF 2.5 billion budget.
Only 17% of children aged 0-3 in Hungary have a place in a daycare center or crèche, notes, citing figures from the Central Statistical Office (KSH).
Children in that age group total some 270,000 currently, of which only 47,169 can find a place in one of 1,785 crèches. Only 700 settlements provide child daycare facilities out of 3,200.
With current capacities and needs clearly not overlapping, the government is trying to help the situation by providing support to expand nursery capacities, adds.