In the "E" (Environmental) sub-index, scoring eight points, Clib Tihany managed to reduce its environmental impact and emissions, notably through an enhanced performance photovoltaic energy generation system and heat pump-equipped climate control systems for heating and cooling. In addition, the property introduced waste management practices, such as a food rescue action to reduce buffet waste and the repurposing of green waste from the hotel’s park through mulching, reducing the need for watering.
In the "S" (Social) sub-index, the resort obtained a maximum of ten points, with Opten's report highlighting its promotion of workplace diversity and equality. Club Tihany holds numerous training courses for its staff, including sustainability and anti-corruption courses, and boasts a significant proportion of female employees, even in leadership positions.
The accommodation also scored ten points in the "G" (Governance) sub-index, earned by the management's transparent and sustainable corporate governance practices. Notably, nearly 90% of the resort’s suppliers are local businesses, reinforcing not only sustainability but also the local economy.
The resort operates within a 13-hectare conservation area some 120 km from Budapest, on the Tihany Peninsula.