White Rabbit Plays Key Role in Faber-Castell's Grundgesetz Anniversary Campaign


In June 2024, a unique campaign emerged, blending history with cutting-edge technology to honor the 75th anniversary of the German Basic Law. The "DNA of Democracy" campaign for Faber-Castell devised by an international collaboration of SevenOne Entertainment Group, White Rabbit Budapest creative agency and Umbrella Collective production company is looking to transcend traditional marketing boundaries and reinforce Faber-Castell's relevance in today’s digital age.

Some 75 years ago, on May 28, 1949, Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, signed the Grundgesetz with a Faber-Castell fountain pen. This historical act inspired a campaign that not only commemorates this pivotal moment but also reaffirms the importance of democratic values.

The creative concept is based on solid science. Professors Reinhard Heckel and Robert Grass from the universities ETH Zurich and TU Munich converted the original text of the Grundgesetz into a DNA sequence using advanced data storage technology. Concept artist Solimán López then used this DNA sequence to create a unique ink, aptly named the "DNA chain of democracy." This special ink became the centerpiece of the campaign.

Daniel Koller, head of the DNA of Democracy Project at SevenOne Ad factory/Creative House, encapsulated the campaign's essence: "One of the main messages of the campaign is to commemorate the historic event 75 years ago, when Konrad Adenauer signed the German Basic Law. But at the same time, DNA of Democracy is about much more: about committing ourselves to the basic values of democracy. To emphasize the importance and timelessness of democratic values with the German constitution's gene chain sealed in ink and the symbolic gesture of the signature, and to make them part of everyday life."

One of the campaign's standout elements is a special edition of Süddeutsche Zeitung, printed with this unique ink. This edition serves as a tangible reminder of the Grundgesetz's historical significance, blending tradition with modern innovation. Every printed word on the page carries the DNA of the German constitution, making democratic principles a physical part of the reader’s experience.

To amplify the campaign's reach, SevenOne and White Rabbit Budapest crafted a comprehensive digital strategy. This included leveraging social media to share interactive and engaging content that highlighted the innovation and historical significance of the "DNA of Democracy" campaign. Visually compelling posts and interactive narratives captured the attention of a global audience, emphasizing the timeless relevance of democratic values.

A key component of the campaign is an animated film created in collaboration with Umbrella Collective. This film, using state-of-the-art 3D animation, demonstrates the creation of the DNA of Democracy ink, bringing the historical text of the Grundgesetz to life in a modern context. Despite a tight two-week deadline the video was produced an initial cut in just five days. The film’s music, created using AI technology, adds a contemporary twist.

The campaign extended into an interactive online platform where users could explore the DNA of Democracy ink's creation process, the historical significance of the Grundgesetz, and Faber-Castell's role in this journey. This platform offered an immersive experience, allowing users to engage with the campaign on a deeper level.

The success of the "DNA of Democracy" is a result of the collaborative efforts of dedicated teams, which also underscores the innovative and boundary-pushing spirit of the campaign. Sandra Suppa, head of corporate communications at Faber-Castell, was a key advocate for this project, recognizing and supporting its unique and groundbreaking approach.

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