KDNP Head Says Party Will Leave if EPP Accepts Tisza


Image by Botond Horvath / Shutterstock.com

Zsolt Semjén, the head of the Christian Democrat People's Party (KDNP), the junior partner in Hungary's governing coalition, said his party would be forced to leave the European People's Party (EPP) if newcomer Péter Magyar joined the group in the European Parliament or his Tisza party was admitted to the EPP.

Semjén spoke to journalists after a meeting with EPP president Manfred Weber in Budapest on Friday, hirado.hu reported.

Magyar or Tisza joining the EPP group would be unacceptable for KDNP, Semjén, who is also deputy prime minister, said.

He added that the KDNP has an 80-year history, while the Tisza party has been around for 80 days.

In the recent EP elections, the governing Fidesz-KDNP coalition won 11 mandates, while newcomer Tisza took seven.

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