The lack of money for current expenses was indicated by 41% of respondents in 2020 against 47% the year before. Seventeen percent of Poles surveyed also declared that at least once a month they have "wondered where to get money for basic expenses". More often it was a problem of people between 25 and 44 years of age than seniors, according to the study.
The group of respondents experiencing such situations every few months decreased the most (from 13% to 10%). Among the respondents declaring that "insufficient finances or inability to manage the budget" make them wonder what to pay for basic needs with on average once a month, the indicator fell from 11% to 10%. Experts point out that the percentage of people indicating the tendency to spend too much as the reason for their problems has decreased from 20% to 10%.
There are over 2.25 million people in the BIG InfoMonitor debtors register, and 1.18 million people in the Credit Information Bureau (BIK) database who delay the payment of a minimum PLN 200 (EUR 44.5) loan or loan installment by at least 30 days. Poland, a nation with a population of more than 38 million.