Feeling content with life is essential as it affects all aspects: from psychological to social and political. People who are less satisfied with their lives often struggle with mental problems and also declare mistrust towards others, including politicians.
On the other hand, a lack of social trust can surprisingly make us more susceptible to manipulation. "Generally, Poles are moderately satisfied with their lives, as only one-third, precisely 37%, declare that they are satisfied. On the other hand, only 22% are dissatisfied, so the largest group is those who are in the middle," Janusz Sielicki, partner at IRCenter, said.
As indicated by the research conducted by IRCenter for Newseria on a representative group of 1,000 Poles above 16 years old, the level of satisfaction can be linked to gender. Women are most frequently d issatisfied with their lives – 26% compared to 18% of dissatisfied men.
The study's results indicate that women still feel that they face challenges.