This scenario is possible if all European Union countries have reached the threshold of 90 points in the DESI digitization ranking by that time. However, the countries of the Old Continent still have a certain distance from such a result – it is the longest in the case of CEE countries, including Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.

"The countries of Central and Eastern Europe – compared to the whole of Europe – are still quite pale in terms of digital transformation. Covid-19 significantly accelerated this transformation in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, but it is enough to look at the European DESI index, which shows that both we and our neighbors are rather in the lead from the end in this respect," Marcin Zmaczyński, CEE marketing director, Aruba Cloud Polska, said. 

In the latest ranking of the European Commission (The Digital Economy and Society Index, DESI 2020), analyzing the progress of Member States in the field of digitization, Poland moved up two notches, but it still ranks at the bottom of the rate – on the 23rd position. The ranking is led by the Scandinavian countries: Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. Western European countries, such as Germany and France, came in 12th and 16th positions, respectively. Hungary, on the other hand, is ranked 21st in the DESI ranking, and the neighboring Czech Republic is ranked 18th. 

"It's hard to compare with the countries of Scandinavia or Western Europe because they have a time advantage in implementing new solutions. However, we are catching up with our western neighbors very quickly. Poland, however, is probably the most cautious when it comes to implementing cloud services, and both Czechs and Hungarians are more likely to do it," Zmaczyński added.