László Parragh (Photo by MTI/Attila Kovács)

Parragh was re-elected unanimously.

Delivering an account of the chamberʼs activities, Parragh said MKIK had done much for the success of the economy in recent years, while its recommendations during the pandemic had contributed to the management of the crisis.

MKIK has played an active role in economic development, in the restructuring of the vocational training and higher education systems, in the arbitration system, and in using European Union funding more efficiently, he said. It has also worked to strengthen companiesʼ exports and participated in the drafting of wage agreement programs, he added.

MKIK has supported government measures to put the squeeze on the grey economy by providing feedback from companies, as well as steps to fine-tune the tax system, he said.

He pressed for maintaining the growth-friendly tax system and support for corporate financing through instruments such as the Széchenyi revolving credit program to improve the competitiveness of the economy.