The portal’s survey involved 16 vehicle importers, which represent more than 95% of the market for new cars. According to the surveyed importers, sales of new passenger cars could rise to 76,000 from last year’s 67,500, however, the 20% increase experience last year is unlikely to repeat itself this year.

Half of the interviewees said they expected a bigger increase in the segment of sales to private customers and the other 50% said they projected a bigger rise in the area of corporate and government fleets, the portal said.

The survey also included 18 of the largest second hand car dealers, who foresee an 11% increase in sales in 2015. The portal noted that the average age of passenger cars in Hungary exceeded 13 years last year.

Imports of used passenger cars rose by 37% to 97,000 last year. Almost all dealers agreed, said, that the dynamic increase in imports will continue in 2015, and predicts about a 21% growth or imports of about 118,000 used cars this year.