The report reveals that approximately 500 lawsuits are filed every year for alleged medical malpractice. Compensation ordered by courts reaches HUF 2 bln per year. Out of the interviewed doctors, 32% had been involved in lawsuits alleging medical malpractice while 40% had been threatened to be taken to court by their patients who eventually dropped the case.
According to Szinapszis’ report, 90% of dissatisfied patients said they would have had grounds to file a lawsuit for medical malpractice but decided not to.
As to the doctors, 16% said professionals as a whole were not at all prepared to handle issues involving patients’ rights, while 45% said they were not sufficiently prepared.
The majority of patients are dissatisfied with doctors’ attitude rather than with the quality of health care, concludes Szinapszis. Nearly 40% of the patients said the information they received from doctors was insufficient.