With flourishes on the rhetoric, Orbán decried the opposition for deserting Hungary and “watch[ing] it sink from a luxury yacht.” The PM went on to describe an alliance of “soft-spoken bankers, greedy multinational companies, the Brussels bureaucrats who serve them plus their Hungarian servants” who will seek to stop the utility price cuts the sitting government has set. The lower costs for household utilities were declared a Fidesz platform plank earlier this month.
Orbán went on, with some self-admitted “superficial talk” highlighted by his idea that Hungary was “given over to speculators, banks and multinationals by the former communists.”
But on Sunday, former prime minister Gordon Bajnai shot back at event for his own Together 2014-Dialogue for Hungary party (E14-PM) at which he proclaimed that no, the sitting government are the ones who are communists – this despite the fact that Bajnai himself is known as having been a former Youth Communist Leader in the 1980s.
At a rally which included the participation of visible supporter/hip hop rapper Dopeman and the demolition of a Stalin-looking statue designed to represent Orbán. Declared Bajnai: “2014 will be a referendum … in which the normal Hungary struggles against the country of Orbán’s mercenaries.”