In a month-on-month comparison, producer prices, however, edged up by 0.2%, with domestic prices up 0.8% while export prices were down 0.1%.
In year-on-year terms, prices in domestic sales decreased by 4.5% in energy and intermediate producer branches as a whole, by 0.8% in capital goods producer branches and by 0.4% in consumer goods producer branches. Industrial export sales prices were down by 1.8%, and, within these, manufacturing prices by 1.9% on average. Prices increased by 1.2% in electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply.
In a month-on-month comparison, producer prices in the manufacturing sector inched up 0.4%, prices in the transport equipment segment fell 1.0%, and prices in the computer, electronic and optical products segment were up 0.3%. Prices in the food, beverages and tobacco segment edged down 0.7%. Prices in the gas, electricity and steam supply segment were down 0.8% in the month.