The trade surplus reached EUR 1.702 bln in June, the result of a EUR 813 mln surplus in trade of goods and an EUR 888 mln surplus in trade of services.

The primary income balance showed a deficit of EUR 903 mln, as investors repatriated EUR 734 mln from direct investments.

Capital transfers from the European Union came to EUR 125 mln for the month.

An amalgamation of the preliminary monthly data shows Hungary's second-quarter current-account surplus reached EUR 940 mln.

Hungary had a EUR 3.561 blnn trade surplus for the quarter, the balance of a EUR 926 mln surplus in the trade of goods and a EUR 2.635 blnn surplus in trade of services.

The primary income balance showed a deficit of EUR 1.956 bln, as investors repatriated EUR 2.193 bln from direct investments.

Capital transfers from the European Union came to EUR 653 mln for the quarter.

Calculating with a EUR 774 mln deficit for Q1 data, Hungary had a current-account surplus of EUR 166 mln surplus in H1.