The debt manager plans to issue net HUF 292 bln in bonds and HUF 65 bln in twelve-month bills and repay net HUF 23 bln of three-month discount treasury bills in September-November.
The plan is for gross HUF 885 bln bond issues against two expiries, of HUF 170.0 bln of 2020/C bonds, on September 23 and of HUF 422.7 bln of 2020/A bonds on November 12. Twelve-month discount treasury bill sales, at HUF 140 bln or at HUF 20 bln per auction will exceed the one expiry, of HUF 75 bln bills due on October 21.
ÁKK is to repay HUF 283 bln and issue HUF 260 bln of three-month discount treasury bills – or HUF 20 bln per auction – at the 13 auctions in the period.
The debt manager has cut back its three-month per-auction offer to HUF 20 bln at the end of June and its twelve-month offer late May.