Workers employed in the lowest-paid jobs make a monthly gross HUF 117,000 (€378) on average while top managers earn a basic wage of HUF 2.4 million (€7,760), with non-regular payments increasing these incomes to HUF 122,000 and HUF 3.4 million, respectively, the statement said yesterday.

Employees earned above-average pay in information technology and technical and financial areas while wages remained below the average in logistics, administration, education, health care and social services. In terms of sectors, employers in vehicle manufacturing and the machine industry, and to a lesser extent, the construction and building materials sectors pay higher-than-average wages.

Foreign-owned companies pay at least 5-10% more than Hungarian employers, but in some areas this difference can exceed 30%. In a regional comparison, wages are higher than the average in Budapest and central Hungary as well as the western part of Transdanubia.