Zoltán Birkner, president of the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office.
The aim of the event is to build regional organizations across the country based on university knowledge bases, which provide a direct insight into innovation policies, development, the enhancement of partnerships between local innovation ecosystem actors and the creation of new professional foundations.
The office says it is crucial for the future performance and competitiveness of the Hungarian innovation ecosystem that the links between policymakers, higher education and research institutions, businesses and professional organizations are strengthened locally.
The press release adds that this will enhance the innovation capacity of any given region along a smart specialization strategy. Building on university centers and focusing on the key strengths of key actors in the regional innovation environment, the office will, therefore, seek to create new meeting points within the TIP series that will provide new approaches to information flow, knowledge transfer and cooperation and networking.
The event series is being realized with the help of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, and Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (which deals with applied research).
Primary aim
“The primary aim of renewing the innovational environment and the driving force behind it is that research and development and innovation should result in an increasing amount of social and economic benefits, in turn increasing the economic competitiveness of the country, and the prosperity of people living in Hungary,” said Zoltán Birkner, president of the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office.
He added that the utilization of the expertise and innovation capacities of national knowledge bases should be improved locally, and this is why it is particularly important for universities to have a much closer relationship with local SMEs.
The national program series, starting in November, will reach out to as many regional key actors as possible: universities, research institutes, large companies, SMEs, startups, incubators, accelerators, business angels, and national chamber networks.
The program series begins at the University of Miskolc on November 12, and is planned to end with a large event in Budapest on November 28. In between it will take in universities in Debrecen (November 13), Győr (November 19), Pécs (November 22) and Szeged (November 26). Further information is available here.