(Photo by elte.hu)
ELTE has managed to climb ten places since last year, receiving an overall score of 78.9. The institution scored over 90 points in several criteria, including “Academic Reputation,” “Citations per Paper,” “Web Impact,” and “International Research Network.”
According to QS, the universityʼs overall score was dragged down by two criteria: “International Faculty” and the “Faculty Student” ratio, with ELTE achieving just 14.1 points in both categories.
The list features four further Hungarian universities in the top 50: the University of Szeged (ranked 26th), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (29th), the University of Debrecen (31st), and Corvinus University of Budapest (48th).
Six other institutions from Hungary are featured on the list, with the University of Pécs ranked 53rd, Szent István University of Gödöllő in 101st place, and the University of Miskolc ranked the 125th best university in the region. The University of Pannonia, Veszprém, fell in the 161-170 bracket, while Széchenyi István University in Győr and the University of West Hungary in Sopron both clinched a place in the 201-250 bracket.
The top three universities on the list are Lomosov Moscow State University, Novosibirsk State University, and Charles University in Prague, respectively.