The airport’s strategic objective is to achieve net zero emissions 15 years earlier than the ACI NetZero by 2050 international commitment, i.e. by 2035 at the latest. Accordingly, 2022 was a year of sustainability commitments, key initiatives, and international accolades for the airport operator. The company took steps to maintain its carbon-neutral operations and to meet its other environmental targets.

It introduced a number of innovative solutions to improve energy efficiency, based on its so-called net zero roadmap. The main pillars of the roadmap are the introduction of sustainable heating solutions, sustainable electricity procurement and generation, support for clean mobility infrastructure and the integration of waste management measures into corporate processes.

To achieve this goal, Budapest Airport has started preparations for the construction of a geothermal heating system for the airport, set up more than 100 electric charging points to charge its own and partner companies’ electric vehicles, and recycled some 73% of its municipal and packaging waste in 2022, which is more than double the rate for households.

From this year, the company covers 100% of the total electricity consumption of the airport from renewable energy sources, while the airport development projects of the last four and a half years, worth more than HUF 100 billion, have been implemented with sustainability considerations in mind.

More information and interesting facts on this topic are available on Budapest Airport’s sustainability microsite,