The chainʼs Hungarian branch was honored for its “Chef Select” ready-to-eat products, its “Craft Beer” series, and rabbit products by Húsfarm.
“Domestic producers and products are especially important for Lidl Hungary,” says Lidl Hungaryʼs corporate communications director Judit Tőzsér. “In order to get more excellent-quality domestic products on our shelves, we launched the ʼLidl for Hungarian suppliersʼ program in 2013. The current triumphs at the ʼValue and Qualityʼ awards, and our six ʼHungarian Productʼ prizes from last year prove that products sold by our company represent an outstanding quality on the domestic market.”
János Latorcai, vice president of the Parliament and the eventʼs patron, noted that the “Value and Quality” (Érték és Minőség) grand prize was created for high-quality goods, services, and organizations to inspire the development of services, help economic growth and increase exports in the process.
He also pointed out that the prize is based on the traditions of the “Hungarian Product” (Magyar Termék) grand prize to represent goods of the highest quality across borders.