“Behind every product, every app and every device there is a customer. Customer relationship management has never been more important than it is today. Welcome to the Internet of Customers—where every company can connect every app, employee, partner, product and device with its customers, using the power of social, mobile – and the cloud,” says Géza Mátrai, Central European Sales Leader at Salesforce.com. He added that there will be billions of connected things, from smartphones and wearable smart devices to jet engines and cars.  

The world is already becoming completely connected, according to the conference organizers, who note that millions of new products, apps and devices are connecting to the internet daily. “The cloud is everywhere around us, even if we are not always aware of it,” a statement from the organizers said.

The Conference, called EuroCloud Day 2014 is opened for everyone. It is designed to explain the advantages of cloud services to total novices as well as people who are aware of the topic. Those who would like to attend this official event, and hear from experts like Mátrai and many others, should register here.