The ICTF was founded in September 2010 and is headquartered in Baltimore, U.S.A., with a European office in Oxford, United Kingdom. It now has more than 1,000 individual members worldwide, drawn from all backgrounds, from experienced multinational and mid-sized enterprises, to those who are new to international trade or seeking to access new markets.

Each member supports the mission to advance the profession of international credit management and the value it can bring to all businesses, through educational programs, academic qualifications and a portfolio of services designed to support the professionʼs day-to-day needs.

The Budapest symposium will address key global issues facing the profession today and is designed for the benefit of all; whether attendeesʼ interests include manufacturing and exporting, shared service center communities, or financial services providers, it promises to offer top-class speakers. 

Jan Ambergen, treasury director of credit and working capital with International Flavors and Fragrances I.F.F. (Nederland) B.V., and a member of ICTFʼs European Advisory Council.

Areas to be covered will include Global Risk Today – Controlling Country Risk in a Subjective World; Aligning a Global Footprint – A Multi-Nationalʼs Journey into Shared Services; Blockchain – The Reality Behind the Myth; Export Credit Risk Management Case Study – Selling to Russia, Nigeria and the UAE; Embracing a Digital Customer Experience as an Investment in Order to Cash; Economic and Risk Overview on Central and Eastern Europe; and the ICTF Trade Creditors Global Forum – Addressing Your Most Pressing Credit and Collection Challenges From Around the World. There will also be a number of breakout sessions. 

The keynote speaker will be Dr. John Raines, who is head of political risk at IHS Markit in the United Kingdom. 

The price of attendance for ICTF members and first-time attendees is USD 770 for early-bird registration, and USD 970 under regular registration. For non-members, who are not first-time attendees, tickets range from USD 1,100 to USD 1,550. 

The full program and registration details are available on the ICTFʼs website.