Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Monday morning introduced the government’s new rural-development programme called the Daranyi Ignac Plan.

Mr Orban urged during the introduction of the ten-year plan on Monday that Hungary’s land law be amended and that new property protection regulations be adopted.

The prime minister said that Hungary should continue to ban GM crops in the country in order to protect its farmland and groundwater.

Mr Orban remarked that the country’s future security depends increasingly on the security of the security of food, water and energy supplies and who controls them.

The countryside has the right to expect the support of the state, but in exchange every Hungarian could expect the countryside to such offer services as safe foodstuff, clean environment and the Hungarian landscape fit for relaxation, Mr Orban said.

The prime minister added that “despite rumours to the contrary”, Hungary is fundamentally an agricultural country, which is evident from its geographical and natural attributes, its history, culture and traditions. Hungarians will not accept having industry conceived as modern and agriculture as something dated, Mr Orban said, adding that if the possibility of a high quality of life is present in the countryside, it could produce a leap in the quality of urban life as well.

Future measures should include simplifying local retail sales, increasing the quality of market regulations, laws that are often heavy-handed should be aligned with the capabilities of farmers and commercial partners should be compelled to engage in decent conduct on the market, Mr Orban said.

Rural Development Minister Sandor Fazekas said the Daranyi Ignac Plan includes programmes funded by state budget and the EU’s rural development sources, the update of legislation and the reshuffling of the operation of institutions.

Ignác Darányi (January 15, 1849–April 27, 1927) was a Hungarian politician, who served as Minister of Agriculture twice – between 1895–1903 and 1906–1910 -, first time in the administration of Prime Minister Kalman Szell as well.