In 2014, the rate of those who were dissatisfied with the number of vacation days was only 40%. On the other hand, the rate of those who failed to use all their available vacation days stood at 31%.

Some 24% of respondents in the latest survey said they have total control over the timing of their paid leave, while 53% have a decisive influence over the decision. About 20% reported they have only a little say in the matter, while 4% have absolutely no control over the timing of their vacations.

About 49% said they have encountered problems with their superiors not allowing them to take a vacation at their chosen time. Some 21% of respondents complained that while their request was initially approved for the chosen days, approval was withdrawn later.

Approximately 33% said they had to interrupt their vacation for work-related reasons, a measurable improvement compared to the 41% rate registered five years ago. Nearly 17% of those surveyed were unable to take at least 60% of their vacation days off. The two most common reasons for this were the amount of work that needed to be done, and the inability to find a replacement at their workplace.

The number of those who spent their days off at home fell considerably, from more than 60% in 2014, to about 40% in 2019. Some 41% of employees reported that they only took days off on paper, meaning that they had to work during their vacation, a 12 percentage-point decrease compared to 2014.