Edward Snowden’s revelation that the U.S. government is collecting metadata primarily, but not exclusively on its citizens, has put the question of security, privacy, and transparency at the forefront of policy debates throughout the world, the organizers say.
Snowden fled the U.S. before making his revelation in 2013 and has been in hiding since then.
“The rise of transparency can diminish privacy for individuals and groups. Nonetheless, polling shows that most citizens are not particularly alarmed. But will the November 13 attacks in Paris push European countries to embrace the surveillance state? The threat of terrorism throws into stark relief the struggle between the need for security and the right to privacy. Furthermore, calls for privacy rights have often been used to defend practices that are antithetical to an open society, such as racism and misogyny,” according to the organizers.
With the moderation of Roger Berkowitz, panelists include Rosa Brooks, Anja Kovacs, Malte Spitz and Ethan Zuckerman.
Those wishing to attend the event at the Archives, at Arany János utca 32 in Budapest, should book ahead.For more information see the official page of the event.