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These 3,000 MW of wind power projects have already applied for connecting to the transmission system operator Elektromreža Srbije’s (EMS) grid.
Many of these projects do not even need feed-in tariff as they are commercially viable without it, said Vlaisavljević, adding that these investors are coming to EPS to inquire about balancing costs. Of the 3,000-MW, according to his estimate, around 1000-MW is commercially viable.
EPS is responsible for balancing for all wind farms is Serbia, and currently 360-MW are connected to the grid. Wind power intermittency on the locations of the wind farms is considerable, with the average intermittency 10 times higher than in the North Sea, according to the director.
Continuous trading on electricity markets would additionally help EPS with balancing, but is currently not feasible, Vlaisavljević said, Balkan Green Energy News reported.