The awards ceremony was held within the framework of an international conference entitled “Work-Life Balance for All Ages.” The evaluation committee of the Best Workplace for Women 2015 awards decided to distribute three Grand Prizes and one Special Award in each category.
In the category of “Companies / institutions employing less than 250 people,” Commerzbank Zrt. was ranked first, Sz+C Stúdió Kft. second, and BDO Magyarország Vagyonkezelő és Szolgáltató Kft. third, while the Special Award was given to Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Büntetés-végrehajtási Intézet.
In the category of “Companies / institutions employing more than 250 people,” MAVIR Magyar Villamosenergia-ipari Átviteli Rendszerirányító Zrt. was ranked first, Ericsson Magyarország Kft. second, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Hungary third, while the Special Award was given to Heineken Hungária Zrt.