
Circulation supporters pay EUR 100 and, in return, get a year’s subscription to the print version of the newspaper, delivered every two weeks to the address of your choice.

Newspapers grow by providing great content, whether that is editorial or advertising, by publishing information that is factual and useful. Without that, no newspaper can last. But you also require a little magic from the circulation department. The generous backing of our circulation level supporters helps the BBJ grow and improve.

Circulation supporters pay EUR 100 and, in return, get a year’s subscription to the print version of the newspaper, delivered every two weeks to the address of your choice and full of the most important and useful business news from Hungary. You also gain the satisfaction of knowing that your support is helping us grow.


Budapest Business Journal
Phone: +36 1 398 0344
E-mail: [email protected]
Working hours: 9 AM - 5 PM


Our publication delivery cost is dependent on your location.


Order online, pay and pick up in person at our office: 1075 Budapest, Madách Imre street 13-14., B building 7th floor.


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