The annual inflation rate in the euro area came to 1.9% in November 2018, down 0.3 of a percentage point from the previous month. A year earlier, the rate was 1.5%.
The European Unionʼs annual inflation was 2% in November, dropping from 2.2% in October. Last year, the rate was 1.8%.
Denmark (0.7%), Ireland (0.8%) and Portugal (0.9%) registered the three lowest annual inflation rates in the EU last month, while Hungary was joined by Romania and Estonia, all registering annual inflation of 3.2%, the highest in the EU.
Compared with the preceding month, annual inflation nevertheless fell in 25 Member States in November, including Hungary (down from 3.9% in October to 3.2%), remained stable in one (Denmark) and rose slightly in one (Portugal).
This November, the highest contribution to the annual euro area inflation rate was provided by energy (+0.88 percentage points), followed by services (+0.57 pp), food, alcohol and tobacco (+0.38 pp) and non-energy industrial goods (+0.11 pp), Eurostatʼs report says.
The full report is available on Eurostatʼs website.