The Czech Republic had a minimum wage of EUR 575. The second-highest amount in the Visegrád Four was registered in Slovakia (EUR 580), while the minimum wage came to EUR 611 in Poland.

Monthly minimum wages were generally below EUR 600 in east and above EUR 1,500 in northwest of the EU, according to Eurostat, indicating considerable regional disparities.

Still, Eurostat explains that the disparities in minimum wages across the EU are smaller once price level differences are taken into account: minimum wages in member states with lower price levels become relatively higher when expressed in purchasing power standard (PPS), and relatively lower in member states with higher price levels.

Six member states had no national minimum wages.

The lowest gross minimum wage, EUR 312, was registered in Bulgaria. Nine member states paid minimum wages between EUR 400 and about EUR 600. These countries were: Latvia (EUR 430), Romania (EUR 466), Hungary, Croatia (EUR 546), the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia (EUR 584), Lithuania (EUR 607) and Poland.

In five other member states, located mainly in the south of the EU, minimum wages ranged between EUR 700 and just over EUR 1,000 per month: Portugal (EUR 741), Greece (EUR 758), Malta (EUR 777), Slovenia (EUR 941) and Spain (EUR 1,050).

In the remaining seven member states, all located in the west and north of the EU, minimum wages were higher EUR 1,500 per month: France (EUR 1,539), Germany (EUR 1,584), Belgium (EUR 1,594), the Netherlands (EUR 1,636), Ireland (EUR 1,656) and Luxembourg (EUR 2,142).