The adjusted Q1 surplus was down EUR 51 million from the fourth quarter of 2016, and dropped nearly EUR 300 mln from a year earlier. The drop in both came from a shrinking trade surplus that reflected a smaller surplus in the trade of goods that was only partly offset by a rising surplus in services. 

The capital account had a seasonally adjusted EUR 228 mln surplus, compared to deficits in both Q3 and Q4 2016, and a EUR 203 mln surplus one year earlier. 

EU transfers, at EUR 242 mln, were down sharply from EUR 426 mln in the fourth quarter, but up EUR 19 mln year-on-year. 

The unadjusted net external financing capacity came to EUR 1.358 bln in the first quarter, down EUR 378 mln from the first quarter of 2016.