ÁKK sold HUF 20 bln of 2026/D bonds for 2022/A in line with its original offer. Demand by primary dealers came to HUF 32.17 bln for the exchange.
ÁKK also sold HUF 20 bln of 2031/A bonds for 2022/A bonds, in line with its original offer. Bids reached HUF 27.4 bln.
The 2026/D bonds sold at an average yield of 1.23% and the 2031/A bonds at a yield of 1.94%. The average yield of the 2022/A bonds was 0.01%.
Of the closest secondary market benchmarks, the five-year benchmark calculated on 2024/C bonds was 0.82% and the ten-year benchmark calculated on 2030/A bonds was 1.8%.