Demand was at a combined HUF 47.8 bln, and offers focused on the bond expiring in August this year. ÁKK accepted offers for the bond expiring in August, but rejected all offers for bonds expiring in February 2016.

ÁKK accepted HUF 33.8 bln of the HUF 41.7 bln bids submitted by primary dealers for the early redemption of 2015/C bonds which mature on August 24, 2015. Average repurchase yield was 1.66%, down 6 bp from the six-month secondary market yield.

ÁKK received HUF 6.11 bln bids for the early redemption of 2016/C bonds of which it did not accept any offers.

ÁKK relaunched the reverse auctions after a two-month break at the beginning of March. The restart suggests that the State Treasuryʼs deposits had been replenished after being reduced by year-end to prevent a rise in the state debt ratio.