At a press conference at the signing, Tungsram chairman-CEO Jörg Bauer acknowledged the "human tragedy" of the pandemic but said it had also strengthened solidarity, such as that between Tungsram and the Army Medical Center. 

He noted that the sanitizer cabinet, which uses UV-C light to kill viruses and bacteria, is 100% Hungarian-made, produced at plants in Zalaegerszeg (215 km southwest of Budapest) and Budapest. 

Brigadier General István Kopcsó, the Army Medical Center commander, said the sanitizer cabinet is the "first step" in the center's cooperation with Tungsram, a cooperation that could extend to other smart solutions in future. 

Balázs Szentkereszty, who heads a COVID ward at the center, said the sanitizer cabinet kills pathogens in 87 seconds, making everyday patient care "much easier."