Design Terminal says that the principal objective of the initiative is to support collaboration between startups and corporations active in the region, in turn promoting the strengthening of business relations between the four countries.
The scholarship program is being realized as a result of combined efforts by Design Terminal and its partners, the Czech UP21, Polish MIT Enterprise Forum CEE, and Slovak Campus, with the support of the Visegrád Fund.

The organizers aim at popularizing the innovation and investment potential inherent in the region, as well as supporting the regional startup ecosystem. Chosen startups from the four countries participate in a free enterprise development program for more than two weeks, during which the region’s top experts provide them with customized mentoring and the organizers arrange meetings with the regionʼs leading corporations.

Via the scholarship program, startups can expand business connections and launch out on the global market, and by tracking the latest trends, may even achieve integration into the operations of regional corporations.

The program begins in Budapest on May 6, followed later by a 10-day round trip to the other three Visegrád capitals, where startups meet the biggest names in each local business and startup ecosystem.

In this year’s scholarship program, Bratislava receives a key role alongside Budapest. Besides business meetings arranged in the Slovak capital, business figures experienced in the startup and corporate sphere assist the development of enterprises by sharing their own experiences within mentoring frameworks, according to the press release.

Applications can be submitted on the programʼs website by March 31. Further details on the program are available by following the link.