Most people consider it as a kind of tax and make their choices based on price. The news portal of Gazdasági Rádió compared the internet calculators of four brokerages,,, and After being given the same data, the first three produced almost the same results, with the most favorable offer being that of MÁV ÁBE, but biztosítá offered Union Biztosító Zrt as the provider of the cheapest policy.

In addition, it was more than Ft 22,000 cheaper than the one offered by the other three. Also, biztosítá calculated a Ft 10,000 higher sum for Uniqua Biztosító Zrt and Ft 30,000 higher for insurance society TIR than the synoptics. N.B.: Brokerages offer price guarantee, i.e. if the insurance company signs a contract of a higher price than the calculator promised, the given brokerage will reimburse the difference to the car owner – provided they fed the correct data into the calculator. (Gazdasági Rádió)