Revenue from commissions in Hungary fell by 9% to HUF 2.0 billion, as volume was “seriously hit” by the launch of the Hungarian Government Security Plus (MÁP Plusz) bond for retail investors, which pays an annualized yield of almost 5%, Duna House said.
Subscriptions for the MÁP Plusz bonds, which launched in June, reached HUF 2.1 trillion by the end of September, show data from the Government Debt Management Agency (ÁKK).
In Poland, commission revenues jumped 46% to just over HUF 0.5 bln, supported by a 17% rise in the number of Duna House offices there.
Duna Houseʼs brokered loan volume climbed 87% to HUF 47.5 bln in Q3. In Poland, brokered loan volume more than tripled to HUF 32.0 bln, from HUF 9.2 bln, because of the acquisition of Gold Finance as well as organic growth. In Hungary, brokered loan volume fell 4% to HUF 15.5 bln.