Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány yesterday said the government would welcome proposals by the State Audit Office (ÁSz) on how to make Hungary’s central and local administration more efficient. Speaking after a meeting with ÁSz head Árpád Kovács, Gyurcsány said the government is seeking closer cooperation with the office. He added that, although ÁSz has said the government’s budget plans held an unacceptable degree of risk in previous years, this year’s budget plans may be tight, but they are not risky, and the targets can be met. Kovács said though the government has always listened to the office’s proposals, it would make a big difference if the government acted on these proposals. He added that ÁSz would start detailed audits of the use of EU funding from autumn, including audits at the agency in charge of disbursing money under the National Development Plan. (Econews, Népszava)