The company has already started negotiations with several drug manufacturers and expects significant income from the new products within 6 to 12 months after launching. From the beginning of next year, Agip stations will also sell non-prescription medicines that will be free to be sold outside of pharmacies by the law brought on Monday.

The Ministry of Health estimates that this concerns 100-150 products at the start. „We have already started negotiations with several drug manufacturers, as we would like to live with the opportunity to sell OTC medicine – mainly painkillers, antifebrils and allergy medicine – at our stations.” – Agip Hungária Zrt CEO Roberto Mulinacci said.

Mulinacci also added that Agip accepts and will fulfill the strict regulations of the new law, for example that the medicine will have to kept locked and separately, and that the procurement and origin of these products will have to be certified. The costs of these will most likely be covered by the drug manufacturers, while the filling stations will pay for the training of their staff. According to Mulinacci, significant income from the new products is expected within 6 to 12 months after launching.