Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó speaking at a press conference today. (Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyés)
Hungary’s foreign minister Péter Szijjártó said the investment is being supported with a grant of HUF 4.4 billion from the Hungarian government. Jesper Hassellund Mikkelsen, the companyʼs plant manager in Nyíregyháza, said headcount at the plant is likely to rise by 1,600 as a result of the investment.
The plant will also increase from 120,000 sqm to 250,000 sqm, more than 700 machines will be installed, and packaging capacity will also be expanded, MTI reported.
Mikkelsen said the company believes in the Hungary and that Nyíregyháza is a good city for such expansion and development, as European markets are near, the workforce needs of the company are being met and the authorities are helpful, according to MTI.