Photo by Oscar Sweep /

Domestic output prices were 1.3% higher on average than in October 2019, within which prices rose by 1.8% in manufacturing, representing a weight of 63%, and were unchanged in energy industry (electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply), with a weight of 32%.

Prices in Hungary were cut by 0.4% in energy and intermediate producer branches as a whole and went up by 5.7% in capital goods producer and by 3.4% in consumer goods producer branches out of the end-use groups of the producer branches of industry.

Industrial non-domestic output prices were up 8.3%r, within which the prices of manufacturing, representing a weight of nearly 95%, rose by 8.3% and those of energy industry, with a weight of 4.9%, by 5.3%.

In the first 10 months of 2020, domestic output prices increased by 0.6% compared to the same period of the previous year. Non-domestic output prices rose by 5.5%, meaning that industrial producer prices as a whole were 3.9% higher than in January-October 2019.