However, nearly 11,000 new work places were created through these investments, driving up Hungary to 7th place on the respective list, said István Havas, CEO of Ernst and Young Hungary. Regarding the number of projects Hungary ranked at 4th, with 108 projects launched.
Most started in Poland (152), followed by Romania and the Czech republic (140 and 113 projects, respectively). A total of 3,531 investments started in Europe last year, a 15.2% rise compared to 2005.
Most foreign investments in Europe go into services and the knowledge industry (software, business services, and electronics), while targeted industries in Hungary include car factories and services.
Most foreign capital invested here comes from Germany (30 projects), USA (28 projects), Japan and Austria (7 projects each).
Most attractive regions to invest foreign capital into are: (1) Western Europe, (2) China, (3) Central Eastern Europe. (Gazdasági Rádió)