Three category-II casinos are currently operating in Hungary: Budapest’s Tropicana and Las Vegas casinos and the Casino Sopron.
The bill sets the minimum annual concession fee for operating category-II casinos in Hungary in 2014 at HUF 377 million for those in Budapest or Pest County, and HUF 54 million for those located elsewhere in the country, raising the fees in line with the forecast inflation rate of 2.4%.
The budget bill projects revenue from gaming taxes to drop to HUF 33 billion from HUF 47 billion projected for this year. According to the bill, online gaming companies are appearing on the Hungarian gambling market with a delay and the market restructured with legislation banning slot machines and table games from arcades, cafes and pubs from October 2012; casinos operating in a concession are exempt from the ban.
– David Landry contributed to this report