The matter at stake is winding up intermediaries that are subsidiaries of Gazprom, including Swiss Rosukrenergo, German Gazprom Germania and Britain’s Gazprom Marketing & Trading. But by raising this issue, E.ON probably attempts to bring momentum to negotiations about Yuzhno-Russkoe field. At today’s meeting of Gazprom BOD, Alexander Medvedev, who is the deputy chairman of Gazprom’s Management Committee, will deliver a report on Gazprom’s marketing strategy overseas.

Medvedev will speak about “geographical diversification of the sales markets and direct access to end clients,” said a manager of Gazprom Export, which Medvedev heads. The topic was brought by E.On Ruhrgas Board Chairman Burkhard Bergmann, who is a member of Gazprom BOD. The sources say E.ON Ruhrgas presses for direct gas supplies to Europe and CIS, i.e. bypassing intermediaries such as Rosukrenergo, Gazprom Germania and Gazprom Marketing & Trading. In Gazprom, they don’t comment on the E.ON proposal. The analysts say the true purpose of E.ON could be an attempt to strengthen standing at negotiations over Yuzhno-Russkoe field. For a few years, the companies are unable to agree what assets E.ON is to contribute to get 25% in the field, which resources are estimated at 805 billion cubic meters of gas. (kommersant)